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Facelift with Hanheal Exosomes and Cannula
I can't say enough about Hanheal Exosomes from Acecosm. Exosomes are so versatile you can meso , microneedle or use a cannula. Today's video, I am going to do my whole face with only one poke on each side of my face - using a cannula. YouTube Video posted...
Facetem C Radiesse Biostimulator – Collagen and Elasticity
I've been waiting for over a month to try Facetem C from Acecosm. I am truly excited for todays video. Please know that Facetem C is considered a advanced product! Also, it's very important to work with Facetem C with a cannula. I suggest a 22g 50mm cannula from...
Cheek Lift – CSL23 Cog Thread Lift
Hello friends!!!! Its time for a Cheek Lift. To get volume in the cheek area is a must for us as we age !!! Today I will be working with CSL23 x 38mm from Acecosm. A cheek lift will absolutely help with the Lower Face, Nasal Folds and even the Jawline !!!! YouTube...
Hanheal Exosome – Using BioNeedle
I have found that a BioNeedle works great with Hanheal Exosomes from Acecosm. In today's video we are treating the Neck, Chest, DAOs and Marionette Lines. YouTube Video posted below.Featured ProductsHanheal Exosomes | AcecosmBioNeedle | AcecosmWebsite Video:
2022 PRODUCT of the Year – Hanheal Exosomes
Each year I pick my favourite product of the year. Todays video is about My 2022 Product of the Year, which is Hanheal Exosomes from Acecosm. 2021 Product of the Year went to FIZE from Acecosm. YouTube Video posted below. Featured ProductsHanheal Exosomes |...
Aging Lips – Full Lips with HA Mono Threads
Today we are going to talk about HA Mono Threads - 30g 25mm from Acecosm. These Threads give me the natural look that I desire for my Lips. I've used everything in my 3 year lip journey. I've done filler which I dissolved several times. I've used a lot of HA to...