Spread Peace & Love
~ Dana
Please be aware that DIY55 is solely meant for documenting my personal journey and experiences. It is important to note that you should never attempt to replicate any of the procedures or techniques. I highly recommend you consult a licensed Health Care Provider for your safety. I am not a qualified or licensed professional. Like any other DIY activity, there are inherent risks and hazards associated with these practices, so it is crucial to rely on licensed professionals for their expertise.
We love you and the team hang though
We love you and the team love the site! On to bigger and better things??
Feeling sad without you all. I loved just popping in all the time. Honestly, I can’t believe it happened… I loved being part of the DIY55 FB community of Classy Friends. I learned so much in the short time since I became a member of the group.
i submitted my email a week or so ago when you suggested we do so.
Keep on keeping on Dana! Thank you for all you do!
Gah!! So bummed. I love you, Dana and team and will continue to follow where I can. xx -Karrie
Holy smokes!! Natural Kaos both channels have been taken down by YT I found out from my sis who follows her more rigorously thanI do. I’m worried that my own two favourites, you Dana and TJ, will be targeted next. Have you had any strikes on YT? Please be prepared and please, please keep working on this website. I don’t know how I would manage without all of you guys.
Hang in there!
Best regards from Sweden!
So sorry this has happened! Looking forward to what’s ahead. God bless and stay strong.
Peace and love
You and your admins are a joy to watch. I’ll follow you anywhere. Tired of these big companies monopolizing everything. They’re all in each other’s pockets. I believe we all have a right to feel better about ourselves. As long as we aren’t hurting anyone or anything, leave us alone. We are women (and men) respecting each other. You don’t force anyone to do anything and are just a shining, bright person sharing their time and journey!! Love you all
Omgosh! Scared me! I thought I got kicked off for some reason! ?
Dana, your website is a BEAUTIFUL THING! Thank you for creating another space of acceptance and connection for people to gather in community! As things change and evolve, please know how highly regarded, respected and appreciated you are! Love you and all that you do! Congratulations!
Hey you …I agree let’s put our minds together and come up with something
Ty very much