Hey Classy Friends. Today we are using a product called Celosome Aqua from Acecosm.
I am going to do a Liquid Rhinoplasty or a Liquid Nose Job. I’m ok with my nose now, but I was very uncomfortable with it growing up.
I am also going to plump my Ear Lobes. Your earrings look so nice when you have your earlobes plumped. I’ve been treating mine for some time now.
Celosome Aqua is a Non-Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid. It has incredible staying power. This is the closest thing I’ve ever worked with that, injects like filler and is not a filler. There is no risk of VO. This is a mesotherapy product, but I would be incredibly careful using this as a meso treatment. I would not meso it all over my face.
I am using a 30-gauge 4mm Meso Tip.
Update on My Skin. I’m going to call the product I have been working with the last few days – BB Glow on Steroids. I’m loving it! It feels really good not having to wear foundation. This product has brought a smoothness to my complexion. I can see the extra hydration from the product.
Spread Peace and Love. Be Kind.
Bye y’all
YouTube Video posted below.

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Celosome Aqua | Acecosm

Meso Tips | Acecosm