Hello Classy Friends. I appreciate each and everyone of you. If you have not liked and subscribed to my New YouTube Channel, please do.
I wanted to do a little bit of mesotherapy with a bio stimulator, Miracle L from Acecosm.
I was going to do my neck, but I have done a second round of CS lab Vline fat dissolver from Acecosm. With the Fat Dissolver you can go out and about, but you are going to have a fat neck. Today I definitely have swelling and the Fat Neck. The instructions say to treat every 7 days, so I went ahead and retreated. I want an accurate review on this product. I have taken plenty of before pictures. We are going to see if this product does what is says it does.
As I said, today I am going to be working with Miracle L. It comes in a vial and there are 2 mils of product in the vial. Instead of working on my neck with Miracle L, I am going to work on my Jawline, DAOS and Nasal Folds. I am working with the 30g 4mm Meso Tips.
I see more allergic reactions to the Miracle Products, than everything else put together. So please have antihistamines ready and be sure to do a patch test ahead of time.
YouTube Video posted below.
Weight Loss Update.
With Saxenda and healthy eating, I have lost about 42 pounds. I am only 12 pounds from my goal weight.

Featured Products

Miracle L | Acecosm

CS Lab V Line (Fat Dissolver) | Acecosm