Hello Classy Friends. This is a day I have really been looking forward to.
Today I am using Gouri Injectable PCL from Acecosm.
I have tried to find information on this product. It is like our FIZE product. When FIZE first came out, we didn’t have a lot of information to go on. This is kind of the same. As it is on the market longer, we are going to get more information on it.
As with anything, you do need to do a patch test with this product. This is a PCL product and you need to be aware of that, if you have a sensitivity to PCL Products.
I did notice when researching, if you have had the vaccine you should wait 4 weeks before treating with this product.
Should you purchase this product, please make sure you read on the information on the Acecosm website and review all the templates.
I am going to be working with general markings that you can check out in the video posted below.
You may want to numb, it does have some burn to it. It is not intolerable.
I really like the syringe this product comes in. It’s nice to see your dosage on the side and the lines are big enough that you can tell when you are at 1 cc, 2cc etc.
You do have to discard what you do not use. When you uncap this product, you need to use it all up.
This is an easy meso treatment. I am looking forward to that springtime glow.
UPDATE Saxenda. I am down 45 solid pounds.
I appreciate each and every one of you. Spread Peace and Love. Life is good. Be kind even when people aren’t kind to you… you be kind, because that’s what we’re supposed to do.
Bye y’all
YouTube Video posted below.
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Gouri Injectable PCL | Acecosm