Bap Your Hands with Elaxen PN!

Bap Your Hands with Elaxen PN!

Hello, lovely Classy friends. I’m excited to show you how I use the BAP technique on my hands to help them look more youthful and refreshed. Elaxen PN uses polynucleotides (PN) to help your skin look younger and heal. Here are some of its possible benefits: Key...
Hand Treatment with Multi Threads PGA 29g 25mm

Hand Treatment with Multi Threads PGA 29g 25mm

I’ve been making a conscious effort to prioritize self-care, and that includes incorporating regular hand treatments into my routine. This month, I’m particularly excited to be trying Multi threads PGA 29g 25mm from This specific product is...
Hands – Fize Biostimulator with Cannula & Meso

Hands – Fize Biostimulator with Cannula & Meso

Working with FIZE from Acecosm. I ended up enjoying just regular meso using a 30g 4mm meso needle more than the cannula. I was actually surprised!!! YouTube Video posted below. YouTube Video Featured Products FIZE | Acecosm Website...
Hand Rejuvenation with Hanheal Exosome

Hand Rejuvenation with Hanheal Exosome

Let’s rejuvenate my hands.  Most of my mesotherapies come from Acecosm.  Today I am going to work with a product from Acecosm called Hanheal Exosome. My hands were horrible.  I have been working on them for a very long time.  I have also been  Microneedlng my...
Meso Hands with Snow Flower Bloom from GlamDerma

Meso Hands with Snow Flower Bloom from GlamDerma

Meso Hands with Snow Flower Bloom from GlamDerma Tonight I am going to do a Meso Treatment to  my Hands.  Snow Flower Bloom is a new Meso Treatment to me. I have been using Snow Flower Bloom in my neck and decollete.  I have experienced a beautiful glow from the...