Jawline – Hanheal PDRN Booster

Jawline – Hanheal PDRN Booster

Hello Beautiful Classy Friends. I hope you are having a good pre-holidaay. Tonight I am going to be working with a product that has really shook me. I have been using it for quite a bit in the upper part of my face. It is PDRN by Hanheal from Acecosm. This is a PDRN...
Meso with Hanheal PDRN Booster

Meso with Hanheal PDRN Booster

Today I want to do a little bit of Meso around my Eyes and visit with all of you. I will be working with a product that has really impressed me called Hanheal PDRN Booster. This product has been designed for Crows Feet. I absolutely love it. It has given me a lot of...
Meso Hands with Snow Flower Bloom from GlamDerma

Meso Hands with Snow Flower Bloom from GlamDerma

Meso Hands with Snow Flower Bloom from GlamDerma Tonight I am going to do a Meso Treatment to  my Hands.  Snow Flower Bloom is a new Meso Treatment to me. I have been using Snow Flower Bloom in my neck and decollete.  I have experienced a beautiful glow from the...
Crows Feet and Tear Troughs – Aquashine Plus Meso

Crows Feet and Tear Troughs – Aquashine Plus Meso

YouTube Video Crows Feet and Tear Troughs – Aquashine Plus Meso We are going to do Aquashine Plus and Multi Threads today, from Acecosm. I treat very lightly in the eyea area with Aquashine Plus. I actually decided that I didn’t need the multi threads under my...
Hanheal for Hair – Hair Filler

Hanheal for Hair – Hair Filler

Hanheal for Hair Today I am working with Hanheal for Hair, from Acecosm.  This a hair filllleer!!! First on the market. I’m very impressed with the Hanheal line !!!  DIY55 10% (if we are having a sale DIY55 will always get you the sale price).  YouTube Video is...