Miracle Touch Up – Eye Area

Miracle Touch Up – Eye Area

Hello Friends.  Today I am working in the Orbital Area of the Eye with Miracle Touch Up from Get Glowing Skin Care. I will be working in the undereye, tear trough area up to the brow.

A vial of Miracle Touch Up is 2 mil.  I am going to do 1 mil on each side.  I am using the 30 guage 4mm meso  tips with a syringe.    When using this product, you may feel a slight burning or stinging sensation, this is normal.

I like to put Miracle in this area because it will plump the skin and has lifting effects.  When I talk about lifting effects, I don’t think it necessarily lifts the skin as much as it plumps the area out, which has a lifting effect.

The last few days I have been working with the Miracle Products.  I am working slowly in different areas, one vial at a time and making sure that my body absorbs it. Then I go onto the next area.  That is just how I have chosen to do it.  Some people take 3 or 4 vials and do their whole face.  To me that is heavy-handed and  I think that we could be asking for problems. I’ve chosen to go a bit slower and treat one area at a time.

I am not a fan of doing different techniques with the Miracle products.  I prefer Meso Treatments using the 30 gauge 4 mm meso tips.  I have tried the BAP technique with the Miracle Products and I felt like I wasted my product.

YouTube Video posted below.


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