Full Face Lift Patterns

Full Face Lift Patterns

I’m sharing this effective pattern in a quick 60-second TikTok. This method has been incredibly successful for me. I’m happy to answer any questions about placement or anything else you’d like to know. Just a heads up, I recently had a Soonsu peel,...
PDO Threads for DAOs + Orange Peel for Mature Skin

PDO Threads for DAOs + Orange Peel for Mature Skin

PDO HA threads can be used to address downturned mouth corners (DAOs), but their effectiveness depends on the severity of the downturn and the individual’s anatomy. How PDO HA Threads Can Help: Lifting Effect: PDO threads, when inserted strategically, can...
Asymetrical Lip Treatment with PDO Mono Threads

Asymetrical Lip Treatment with PDO Mono Threads

Today, I’m excited to show you how I use PDO mono threads to achieve fuller, more symmetrical lips. These threads have been a game-changer for me, helping to add volume and definition while maintaining a natural look. I’ll be demonstrating the procedure...
Hand Treatment with Multi Threads PGA 29g 25mm

Hand Treatment with Multi Threads PGA 29g 25mm

I’ve been making a conscious effort to prioritize self-care, and that includes incorporating regular hand treatments into my routine. This month, I’m particularly excited to be trying Multi threads PGA 29g 25mm from Acecosm.com. This specific product is...
Jawline and The Aging Face – Beginner Threads

Jawline and The Aging Face – Beginner Threads

I love working with all Thread sizes . This is one of my very favorite threads 30g 25mm from Get Glowing Now Skin Care. These are very smooth Threads to lay and you can place them anywhere . I use PDO because they give me quick pay off . I like to see results soon !!!...