Hey Classy Friends. I thought I would just turn the camera on for a minute tonight.
BB Glow has changed. It is totally different. I had used the original BB Glow many months
Ago and I was not impressed and I did not use it again. Acecosm has come out with a New Product and it is BB Glow on steroids. This new product is Derma Brightening Complex. You get a full kit and there are 10 vials and in 3 different shades. This product can bring a health glow back to your skin and that is exactly what I am looking for.
I do want to talk a little bit about this product. I think we are going to be impressed. It has 3 different Peptides in it. If you would look back on what we used to use you’re only going to see the tint. We did not have anyof these extra products in the original formulation I tried. I’m all about anything that can bring nutrition
back to my skin.
Contains high concentration of various effected ingredients
• 3 types of peptides (EGF, FGF, IGF)
• 2 types of hyaluronic acid
• Ginseng stem cells
• Contains high concentration of more marine collagenContent Credit: Acecosm
I am going to microneedle the product in. After this treatment I am either going to follow it with an Ellaxen Mask or a regular mask. My Dr Pen from Get Glowng Now Skincare is set on 0.30 and I am using the 23 color. You do not have to worry that much about Matching your color because it is a very soft glow.
Yesterday I did the Celosome, so I am staying away from the areas I worked on yesterday.
I will let you know what I think in the next day or so. Thank you all for watching.
YouTube Video is posted below.

Featured Products

Derma Brightening Complex | Acecosm